• Ultramen : drowning inside game

    Kayaknya aku mulai terlalu menikmati game ini. Game yang aku create sendiri dan aku sendiri yang menentukan skenarionya. Dan sekarang aku mulai terbawa oleh cerita ku sendiri. Wake me up, my self.. This is only a dreaming.. Dream that i create with my own. This is not real.
    Hurry up... Wake up.. Or you'll be hurt again.
    Ultramen is a character that you build. With your own emagination. He never realize you. Even more. He only see you as a person, nothing more. You are nothing for him. Always. Only you who think that he is exist.
    Now, i think i already feel something hurt inside my heart. If i think about him. Every time. Anytime. Now i only could refuse my feeling. I should haven' this precious feeling for him because he's not deserves for this.
    Ultramen. If someday finally this feeling growth to be love. Please ignore it. Because it will only hurt us. Even we trying our best to be together i believe it won't happen. Because each of us, have our own God in Our heart.
    It hurt so bad. But sometimes tears is a remedy.
    But i really thankfull to Allah.. Because Allah give me chance to close with him. Task that i have at 24 - 26 august 2014. That time i really enjoy everything. That will be one of my sweet memory..

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